Janna Kapust Kuckes Hebammenkongress 2023 Berlin

Our day at the Midwifery Congress 2023 in Berlin

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about our day at the Midwifery Congress 2023 in Berlin. It was our first trade fair and we were really looking forward to the day.

I arrived with my husband on May 15, 2023 and thankfully we were allowed to set up our stand that evening. Afterwards we went to the hotel and after dinner together we went to bed.

The fair finally started at 8:00 am sharp and the first of the almost 3,000 midwives and midwifery students looked at the stands.

We were positioned in the Startup Village and were very happy about it.

So it didn't take long for us to introduce our washable and dryer-safe Möppis (breast donuts) to the first midwives. The feedback was great and we were very pleased.

In total, we had around 300 pairs packed with flyers as demonstration products. Due to the high level of interest and demand, we had already distributed all the mopeds by 3 p.m. We therefore collected a whole bunch of contacts afterwards and sent them out as soon as we got back.

The trade fair was a great experience for us, with great new contacts and great feedback on our mopeds.

We are always happy to receive further interest and to hear from you.

We are also already planning our participation in the Midwifery Congress 2025.

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